

Why a blog? And why care?

The concept of starting a blog: Why?

I started this site, years ago. For the purpose of showing my work. It is a must in the world of artists I feel. In one form or another we’ve been told, “You need a professional website.” and I have never regretted having one. (Except for the price).

However, over the years, I feel a gravitation to share more. I like looking at the social media outlets of people who create things I love, and getting to peak behind the curtain of their paintings or drawing or dressmaking or whatever maker of things I enjoy. I like to see that the painter I adore, who just bought a house do so many projects themselves to make their house beautiful. Sharing the before and after bits with me. I love to see the watercolorist post about her daughter and partner and two cats. Not to mention just showing the memes that they find funny. And I would like to know, that the historical dress maker isn’t feeling well. And I’d like to pay attention so I can say in my small little comment bar, “I hope you feel better!”

It makes the pedestal we put under these people we follow and love, seem more like kitchen table. We’re human together for a bit. And I like that. It’s not something everyone agrees with, and it is often deemed unprofessional. But I’m ok with feeling more human in the space of professionalism.

Why “Be Human”?

I have a small list I pre wrote out:

  1. Replace the time of the college work lab

  2. I have a brain that won’t be quiet

  3. A sharing of thoughts/Therapy

Number one might seem a little strange. But, it’s more of recapturing a moment in my mind. I am an adult who aside from making art in her free time, works full time tending bar. One job pulling taps. The other building and crafting carefully designed and researched cocktails. I don’t hardly ever get to see my old friends. But when I do, we fall into place as if it were yesterday. And in those moments, the conversation flows and the comfort of knowing you’re speaking with safe people is medicine. I’m not able to do that much anymore. And while this is no back and forth moment with friends. I hope to recreate the flow and the medicine it makes.

Number two, my brain. Won’t. Stop. Some people understand this, some people don’t. I have a brain that will sometimes run marathons and not let me sleep. Maddeningly, going over old memories, old stories, history, societal norms, past arguments, past moments of love, moral rights and wrongs-the list is almost endless. I do not lack occasional peace when I’m making things, when I’m looking out the window of a moving car, or the brief hour on a rare day where I can focus enough to read a chapter of a book. I want to pump the breaks on my brain sometimes. I hope this writing could help it.

Number three is possibly more broad than I’m happy with. But it holds truth. I, like many other people on this dot in the universe, have thoughts. I have questions and I want them to be out there. Even if no one else ever sees, reads, or answers me. This could be a good lead in to the therapy add in. I don’t share well verbally with many people. I keep many thoughts to myself most times, with a few exceptions. (Hi Mom) Back in the day of when I did have therapy I did learn some skills on how to help myself mentally. Writing things down always felt good. It unburdened me and allowed me to move forward. Lately, I’ve had more and more moments of weight on my brain. Keeping me from everything except for work. I want to help myself again. I hope maybe this can be a solution for myself.

Why care?

Why should you care? Honestly, I don’t know if there is a reason I could give for anyone to care. Lord knows, this has to come with warnings. I’m a horrible speller. I SUCK at grammar in all its forms. I can ramble and get lost in my own words/mind often. I might over share? I hope not.

I enjoy “Being Human” with people. This is my way to try and do that in a quiet way. You choose if it’s worth the read. It is an old concept, a digital blog (by old I guess I mean late 90’s old? Which makes me old??) There won’t be music. No thirty second video to make you laugh. And I can’t be sure if it’ll last. I always want to try things. This might be one that falls by the wayside. Or it might be a weekly ritual. Either way, a slice of my brain is on display to simply, “Be Human.”

Until next time,

Rachel M. Esposito

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